the sound of sound

Deep is broadcast citywide and webcast worldwide on Wellington's Radioactive 88.6FM every Tuesday night from 11pm - 1am.

We are pleased to announce that Podcasts of the last five shows are available once again at:

Deep's mission statement is 'the sound of sound' which offers a pretty wide range of recorded material to draw from. Four djs operate a loosely based four week turnaround which means each week the show sounds quite different from the last.

To get an idea of the artists and labels featured scroll and click through some of the playlists posted below. The only real constant is that you can be sure the sounds will be -

Deep: from Old English: doep; adj. deep·er, deep·est -

- profound in quality or feeling; affecting one deeply; "a deep breath"; "deep emotion"; "a deep trance"; “deep devotion” / very absorbed or involved; "deep thoughts"; "a deep allegory" / vast distance in time or space; "deep in the past"; "deep in enemy territory"; "deep in the woods"; "deep space probe" / extreme; "in deep trouble"; "deep happiness"; "deep night" / rich and intense in shade: "deep purple"; "a rich red" / extending relatively far inward; "a deep border"; “deep left field” / to a great depth; "dived deeply"; "dug deep" / the central and most intense or profound part; "in the deep of night"; "in the deep of winter” / to an advanced time; "deep into the night" / cryptic: difficult to penetrate or understand; a deep metaphysical theory; "a deep dark secret"

deep down, she was still a rebe

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Deep playlist 20 March (Andrew)

Many of these are free net-releases, and/or many from Argentina...
  1. Anla Courtis - Rastrillo-Termotanque - Tape Works
  2. Federico Barabino + Guillaume Gargaud - In Deeper - Since Electricity
  3. NaveNube - Crepe - Jardín Crepe
  4. Miniröcke - Apnea - Wandern
  5. Chihei Hatakeyama - Wave And Window - The Secret Distance Of TOCHKA
  6. Adrián Juárez - 20 Catedrales Destrozadas - Siete Composiciones Ambientales
  7. Adrián Juárez - Cassandra Se Disgrega - Siete Composiciones Ambientales
  8. Adrián Juárez - Hipertexto - Siete Composiciones Ambientales
  9. Federico Monti - Perfil 1 - Sorolls
  10. Christopher McFall - A Black Nightingale Ascention - Lost At Sea And Seldom Found
  11. David Velez + Manrico Montero - Dune - Data Transfer 2
  12. Termotank - A - Exosphere
  13. Pablo Veron - Fraile - Anniversary Compilation
  14. Tim Hecker - Sea Of Pulses - An Imaginary Country
  15. Tim Hecker - The Piano Drop - Ravedeath, 1972
  16. Termotank - C - Exosphere
  17. Federico Durand - Nos Alejamos De La Casa, Sobre La Nieve Joven - La Siesta Del Ciprés
  18. Pablo Veron - Llueve Nieve - Nieves
  19. Ismael Pinkler + Pablo Reche - Declive - Anniversary Compilation

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Deep - 3/6/12 - pshakes last hurrah

my last show, it's been a blast! Thanks DEEPsters.

Cheers to Al Fraser for the exclusive mixes!! (tasty!)

1. AFX - 3 Notes Con - Analord 11

2. Autechre - Nil - Amber

3. Animal Hospital - A Safe Place - Memory

4. Pye Corner Audio - Unmarked Reel two - Head Technician’s Generosity

5. Arovane - Nacrath - Icol Distane

6. Aero - After - Rises & Falls

7. Monolake - Infinite Snow - Silence

8. Steve Hauschildt - Overnight Venusian - Tragedy & Geometry

9. Jacaszek - Windhover - Glimmer

10. Asher - 1.1 - Landscape Studies

11. Biosphere - Gravity Assist - Shenzhou

12. Chris Watson - Valle Dei Venti - Cima Verde

13. Christopher Bissonette - Comfortable Expectations - Periphery

14. Aquaboogie - Lost - Selected Ambient Whelks

15. Aquaboogie - Skygod - Selected Ambient Whelks

16. Biosphere & HIA - Meltwater - Polar Frequencies

17. Alistair Fraser - Koauau and Falling Shells

18. Alistair Fraser - Putorino Koauau Sea

19. Seht - Cydonia - The Green Morning

20. Pjusk - Granitt - Tele

21. Pjusk - Kram - Tele

22. Loscil - Nautilus - Submers

23. Julianna Barwick - Vow - The Magic Place

…for some reason I have put the date in 'Merica format (works for me)